When was the last time you had your noise at work assessment done? HSE recommend noise at work surveys should be undertaken every two years. book in now at www.impactacoustics.co.uk/noise-at-work-assessment

Noise impact assessment to support planning applications for development. visit planning & noise for an acoustic report for planning quotation today

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Construction Noise Dorset

Construction Noise Assessment | Dorset

Piling | Blasting | Demolition Noise & Vibration

Impact acoustics in Dorset are experienced and qualified to undertake construction noise and vibration assessments for insurance purposes, noise and planning purposes or as part of a section 60 or 61 consent in Dorset.

Impact acoustics can offer any service to do with noise and vibration:

  • Noise assessment for demolition noise in Dorset

  • Vibration survey for piling works in Dorset

  • Noise Survey for construction noise in Dorset

  • Noise and vibration assessment for construction noise in Dorset.

  • Vibration assessment for piling and blasting works in Dorset

All of impact acoustics assessments are undertaken in accordance with the correct british standards i.e BS5228 or BS4142.

Whether your project is based in bournemouth, poole, christchurch, dorchester, shaftesbury, boscombe, weymouth, bridport or any other location within Dorset; we are happy to help.

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