When was the last time you had your noise at work assessment done? HSE recommend noise at work surveys should be undertaken every two years. book in now at www.impactacoustics.co.uk/noise-at-work-assessment

Noise impact assessment to support planning applications for development. visit planning & noise for an acoustic report for planning quotation today

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Planning & Noise Hampshire

Planning & Noise Related Conditions | Hampshire

Noise Survey | Noise Impact Assessment | Acoustic Survey | BS8233 | BS4142

Impact acoustics have experience in working with clients in discharging planning conditions relating to sound, acoustics and noise issues.

Common areas that impact acoustics undertake acoustic surveys and noise assessments in Hampshire are:

- Noise impact assessment to assess noise from road traffic impacting on a proposed development in Hampshire

-Noise assessments to understand noise levels from railway noise

- Noise Impact assessment to assess noise from skate parks and other recreational noise in Hampshire.

-Acoustic Surveys to understand industrial noise impact on nearby noise sensitive premises in accordance with BS4142 in Hampshire.

-Noise Surveys to assess sound from factory noise nearby to residences in Hampshire

All noise impact assessments in Hampshire are undertaken to the applicable standards: ie. BS8233:2014 and BS4142:2014

All noise surveys and acoustic assessments are undertaken in strict accordance with the criteria set by the Local Authorities in Hampshire.

Whether your project is based in Basingstoke, Winchester, Aldershot, Southampton, Portsmouth, or any other location within Hampshire; we are happy to help.

For more information or receive a value for money quotation please contact Impact Acoustics.

Call Us

With experience of noise assessments / acoustic surveys at the development planning stage in Hampshire, the services that we offer include:


Full detailed noise Assessment in Hampshire


Detailed Liaison with Local Authority in Hampshire

Full detailed baseline noise measurements in Hampshire


Recommendation of noise mitigation in Hampshire

Detailed calculation of the internal noise levels in Hampshire

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